REALLY Old News! GameSuite 2
Grasshopper Software recently announced a brand new version of their games creation
utility, Games Suite. Here's a copy of their press release:
New Product Announcement : The Games Suite v2.00 - Write your own games!
After much work (and many problems!) the Games Suite v2.00 is now available.
Firstly I would like to appologise to those who ordered it early - but due to
unexpected developmental problems the release date had to be constantly moved
forwards. However we felt the benefit to users - through the extra functions
added were worth the extra wait. All existing customers will have their upgrades
dispatched (assuming there are no further delays) by next Friday.
The new version is a completely new product - not much of the original remains,
hence it has been christened v2.00. For those who have not encountered 'The
Games Suite' before it is a complete games development tool kit.
The system assumes no prior knowledge and all can be used on two levels - either
by those who are competent coders, and just require the use of our specialist
games library routines, which are all produced in 100% arm code - and will
handle everything from collision detection to sprite plotting to animating and
moving objects - to handling their interactions with other objects etc.
Or the suite can be used (as is the more common case, and hence most of our
recent development has been pushed in this direction) by those with little or
no programming experience. Our multitasking environment editor and macro
language will let you in gently to the world of games programming, with an
easy to use program and step by step manual.
Upgrades will be continually availiable for a nominal handling fee by post for
versions 2.00 up to 2.09, after which an upgrade fee will be charged.
Free upgrades will be dispatched to all users of v1.00 upgrading them to v2.00
For full details and a free demo point your browser to :
Our web pages are currently undergoing major changes - so although most of it is
now up one or two links may be dead - if this is the case please check back
again later.
The Games Suite is availiable for £25 all inclusive from Grasshopper software.
We are keen to ensure that the products we are producing are what you want to
purchase so if you have any comments about our products - either as a user or
simply as an interested party - or about products you would like to see us
produce then please email us at benjamin.ollivere@sjc.ox.ac.uk
...this page last updated: 27/2/97...
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